U.S. only: Phone calls are utilized in the continental U.S. only. I can record an audio link for your session/reading for delivery via phone to you ONLY if you utilize my confidential conference line via This phone number and access code will be sent to you before our appointment time via email (when we both call in on that phone line and enter the access code at the scheduled appointment time booked on my calendar).
International: Skype will be used for international clients. Where there are connectivity issues and Skype cannot be utilized, the reading/service is performed and documented via e-mail. All times indicated for scheduling purposes are PST (Pacific Standard Time Zone).
This business runs as a part-time business. The available time slots are limited. I offer "urgent" readings when I can; however, it is not always possible so please email me at for availability PRIOR to scheduling urgent services only, and please note that ALL clients must pay for and schedule their consultations with me utilizing my Acuity scheduling software.
We highly value your privacy. Customer information is collected for the purposes of processing your order. This information is kept confidential and is not shared unless deemed as evidence for a court case or mediation purposes.
All readings performed will only be available to those individuals that are 18 years of age or older. The Guided Intuitive (TGI) and/or Strategic Talent Associates (STA) services are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, psychological assessments, medication, therapy or financial services Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition. The Guided Intuitive (TGI) and Strategic Talent Associates (STA) services do not make recommendations about medication or serve as a substitute for professional advice. Never disregard professional psychological or medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice or treatment because of something you have read on TGI and STA. Outcomes of readings and all sessions and services provided are not guaranteed due to the nature of everyone's own free will. Use of any or all information disclosed during a reading can be used in whatever manner the client sees fit. The use of the information provided is not guaranteed by the parent company, Strategic Talent Associates (DBA and Proprietor), or The Guided Intuitive (TGI). Readings are informational and for entertainment purposes only.
The Guided Intuitive (TGI) services are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, medication, or therapy. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition. The Guided Intuitive (TGI) and Strategic Talent Associates (STA) services do not make recommendations about medication or serve as a substitute for professional advice. Never disregard professional psychological or medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice or treatment because of something you have read on TGI and STA
Please note that there is no guarantee of specific results and that results will vary from person to person and issue to issue. Hypnotherapists work with vocational and avocational self-improvement and are not licensed by the State of California as healing arts practitioners. Some conditions may require a medical or psychological referral. Hypnotherapy is an approved medical practice that is fully recognized in many countries around the world. Hypnotherapy is frequently used to control pain without any side effects and when drugs sometimes fail. Due to this holistic mind/body approach healing can occur rapidly, yet gently, with faster recovery and fewer doctor visits.
When listening to hypnosis recordings, do so in a safe place, preferably where you will not be disturbed for the duration of your recording. Never listen to recordings or practice self-hypnosis while driving in a car, operating machinery, or doing anything else that requires your attention for safety reasons. There are no guarantees on success rates, outcomes, or results. Individual results vary.
As it relates even more than what is mentioned above, services which include Hypnosis | Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) | TimeLine Therapy (TLT): There are numerous benefits of hypnosis, NLP and TLT; however, despite these benefits, they are again not a substitute for medical attention, either physical or mental in nature. Information, services, and products found on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or illnesses. If you are diagnosed with a physical or mental illness or disease, consult with a qualified licensed physician or mental health therapist.
All services and instructions rendered by The Guided Intuitive hypnotists, NLP or TLT practitioners, and others are further intended to be educational in nature, providing information, instruction, support, and encouragement. Again, instructions and information given by The Guided Intuitive hypnotists are not a substitute for medical attention, either physical or mental in nature. The Guided Intuitive service and staff are not licensed physicians or licensed mental health therapists.
Whenever listening to hypnosis recordings, do so in a safe place, preferably where you will not be disturbed for the duration of your recording. Never listen to recordings or practice self-hypnosis while driving in a car, operating machinery, or doing anything else that requires your attention for safety reasons. There are no guarantees on success rates, outcomes, or results. Individual results vary.
There will be no refunds for any services or other products. Any refunds or other accommodations considered by the proprietor are based on the sole discretion of the proprietor. If refunds are considered they will be done via PayPal.
There will be no refunds for readings/sessions performed. If a read or other session is scheduled and the client cannot be reached after two additional attempts, the reading is canceled and no refunds are made. If a reading needs to be rescheduled or canceled, you can do this via the confirmation email you received from my Acuity scheduling program, or by sending an email to:
All scheduling for consultations will take place using my Acuity scheduling program. This button is available on my “services” page and will allow you to pay for and schedule services seamlessly. You will receive an e-mail confirmation as well as a 24-hour text reminder of your appointment as long as you provide a valid US phone number. When I contact you via phone for a consultation you will receive a call from an 858 area code. If you prefer a “recorded phone call” on the conference line, see the phone number and access code here and under the paragraph titled, “Methods of Service Delivery” above. Please note that you may experience long-distance charges if your phone provider DOES NOT offer long-distance in the U.S. for free (no charge). Please check with your phone service carrier (whether landline or mobile) for any applicable long-distance charges you may or may not incur. Strategic Talent Associates (DBA and Proprietor) and Coaching arm, The Guided Intuitive/STA is not responsible for any of these aforementioned charges.
Pricing for all items and services can be changed at the discretion of the proprietor at any time.
By scheduling a session, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. Please note that The Guided Intuitive /STA is not a licensed therapist. If you have mental health concerns, please seek the proper help from healthcare professionals. The Guided Intuitive/STA readings are for entertainment purposes only and not a substitute for professional mental health services, nor should The Guided Intuitive/STA reading ever take the place of a doctor, lawyer, or any other licensed professional.
1) Confidentiality – your personal information and reading will not be shared with anyone without your permission.
2) Trust – I will never take advantage of my clients in any way. I will not allow my clients to become addicted to or dependent on my tarot readings.
3) Non-judgement – You will never be judged for the issues and questions you bring to a reading.
4) Empowerment – My goal as a reader is to empower you to live your life with joy and confidence and make your own decisions. I will not tell you what to do – I may make suggestions and give you ideas and insight about a situation, but ultimately you are the expert in your own life.
5. Oracle, Wisdom, and Transition cards, including tarot cards can indicate where things are headed in a general sense, based on what is currently happening in your life. But ultimately, how your future unfolds depends on how you think, feel, and act right now! I can help you identify your blocks and strengths so you can create more of what you are wanting in your life.
6. I prefer to focus the reading on YOU. Therefore, I am at times, unable to answer questions about other people without their permission.
7. A tarot reading is not a substitute for professional therapy, legal, medical, or financial advice.
8. You must be 18 years or older to order a tarot reading, including our Rapid Change Session or Beyond the Read Session or coaching sessions.
Phone: 515-604-9778 / NEW! (518) 992-1101 (effective 9/15/21)
Access Code: 203805